Friday, January 14, 2011

Find me.

Every once in a while, I feel the strings that pull at my heart.

Yesterday, it was while I was at Target.

My boys were at playgroup and preschool. So, I was all by myself. I took my freedom to roam up and down the isles. Just wandering. I got everything on my list, and then felt free to meander as I pleased.

As I wandered around, I found myself on the same isle as a brand spakin' new baby. I'm talking, straight from the hospital, Mom still waddling, looking like she just got hit by a semi truck, waiting to pick up their prescription, brand new kind of baby.

The Dad was on cloud nine.

I smiled as I passed, with a nod of congratulations. The Dad felt the need to add sentiment, "You have no idea how bad it really is!" as I looked around to see who he was talking to, I realized his non-sensical statement was directed at me.

"What?" was the only thing I could come up with.

"This baby business. It's hard stuff!" As his wife laughed from embarrassment, no doubt, and hit him in the arm, he added "I'm serious! I'm sure you don't have kids, but just you wait."

And I actually laughed out loud from the irony. And then I felt that pounding feeling in my heart. The one that happens to actually speak to my soul.

All I could think of the rest of day was: I'm looking for you baby. I'm trying. I really am.


  1. I love when people say things they HAVE NO IDEA how off they are. Like they've put their foot in their mouth before they know mouth is even open. Well my friend keep the faith. If there's one thing in life ive learned over and over again (as you have im sure!) its that God's way is almost ALWAYS different than what we hope and expect and is ALWAYS the best way:)

  2. Oh Taylor... I'm sorry. I wish that I had a baby that I could just send right over to you! You're baby will come, and it will be worth the wait. Promise!
