Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Home visit.

Well, it's done.

Christine came to visit our humble abode (and car, actually) today. At the start of this whole process, the idea of someone coming over to inspect, essentially, not only our home, but our family life, was some what overwhelming. But once I realized it would be our own case worker (who has an invested interest in us---not just some random third party person) that would be doing the dirty deed, I felt much more calm about it. I didn't really think much of it after that point.

And then we moved two weeks later. Awesome.

I felt like we were still getting our own footing in our new place, boxes still full, figuring out what goes where, slightly chaotic, etc. I planned to get the place into shape the weekend before she was coming, and then not think about it again.

But then we went out of town all weekend.

So Monday morning I spent a good time running around town, trying to get things to put the house in order. This morning, things were just out of control! We had bought things, had to return things, and put other things together, rearrange things, and move things around. Oh, and ya know, clean. It was crazy.

Good thing it was Tuesday! The boys were at play group and preschool, and I worked my tail off until the second Christine knocked on the door.

And then it was done.

We have officially completed everything on our check list that we need to do.

Well, sort of.


Sigh. A lot.

Ya know, like find our baby.

Sigh. Again.

So, it's a funny thing to say: we are done.
When clearly, we have just scratched the surface.

However, instead of dreading about how much we really have left to do (ah, so much, and so daunting), today we choose to celebrate the fact that WE HAVE DONE ALL THAT WE CAN UP TO THIS POINT. It's a good feeling. Actually, a great feeling. I feel some weight lifted off my shoulders.

And that's all that we can ask of ourselves today.

We are NOT approved yet.
Our homestudy has already been written up, and we have been presented before the committee.
We have been "pre-approved", until the following things reach our case worker, and she pushes the magic button:
-1 more personal reference that she has not received yet
-Chris' doctor approval form (he has already seen the doctor, just needs the paper signed)
-And our 500 (or 6) fingerprints to come back clear (we had to get additional prints done, because we have lived in three states in the last five years. Beautiful.)

So, we are praying for speedy arrival of these last things, so we can get this show on the road.

1 comment:

  1. So exciting! I'm working on getting my certification to do home assessments myself so it's neat to follow along in your experience.
